Close to me | Marietta Georgia Family Photographer

When it comes to blogging, I find that it’s not exactly easy to come up with blog titles or the words that are meant to follow. In total transparency, I tend to rely on song titles. They’re pretty great and say everything that I clearly would have said if I’d thought of it first. Also, this title totally makes me chuckle. Our families are all up in our business these days and yet if you’re not my family, please, for the love of all that’s holy, don’t come anywhere close to me. 10-20 feet max.

Which leads me to the obvious. These days we really are all in the same boat. Some days I’m in complete awe of how well things are going. Virtual learning being a thing that my 8 year old is doing and doing fairly well at is remarkable. So I take moments on those days to just stand back and be grateful that my kid is succeeding in such a crummy situation. Then there are other days where I just want to pack up the car, grab the family, the dogs and hit the road to some sandy, sunny, beachy location. Because oh my god how much more of this “shelter in place” can we all take?

But here’s the thing…we are resilient. We’ve all been through some crap and good lord this is something alright. But again, we’re strong. And we are with those we care about more than anything on this planet. Our babies. Our moms, our dads. Our husbands, our wives. Our puppies, our kittens. And in the thick of the madness, the stress, the complete and utter chaos, we have these people and these pets that are our worlds. We keep them close. In times like these, we keep them closer. Because when there’s nothing but bad news splashing across your television screen, you see how much good is happening around you. You see that smile your little girl beams as she learns to ride her two wheel bike for the very first time. You see the confidence of your almost 16 year old son as he learns to drive a car. You see neighbors looking out for each other. You see a nation rally behind the entire medical industry. And that my friends is when the scaries stop and you realize that while this pandemic is horribly awful, we’ve all got so much wonder all around us.

So, as we now end every message to each other. Stay safe.

xo. Katie

Beautiful little blonde girl with her pigtails. She's smiling up at the camera.
Mom with her 8 year old little boy in her lap. They're sitting on a burgundy blanket in the grass with the sunlight low behind them
Black and white image of a mom, her little girl and little boy, climbing on top of her.  All while the mom's smile beams.
Marietta family photography
Precious little girl with blonde pigtails stands in front of the bright yellow sunlight that's casting shadows behind her
Adorable brunette woman with hands in her pockets.
Mom with her arms wrapped around her little boy, pulling him close to her,
black and white photo of a little boy giving his sister a piggy back ride
little girl tossing leaves and pine straw up in the air as she twirls around
black and white photo of 8 yo boy with his sister giving him bunny ears
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Hello Friends

Welcome to Katie Oblinger Photography! 

This is where you will find happiness, candid moments, real, unabashed love, genuine people and the occasional photo of my child.  This is where you can come to enjoy the moments families share.  The moments of pure joy.  The moments I hope you'll soon create for yourself. I'm so glad you are here.  
