Do you want to know what is so beautiful about parenthood? When you become a parent, your entire world changes. For obvious reasons. But let’s back up. When you are the child, the teenager, the young adult, everything revolves around you. Of course it’s not always intentional. It’s just how young minds work. Holidays, gifts, every little thing is about you. And then one day all of that comes to a screeching halt, except it happens and you don’t even realize it. You go from being the center of the universe, to putting your babies needs and wants above all else. Sleeping becomes a thing of the past. Finding time to workout like you did in your 20s is something you only see in your rear view mirror. Staying up late to binge watch your favorite shows just ain’t happening. And then something so sweet happens….you go out of your way to ensure you have family photos taken…except instead of you making sure you are in every single picture, all you want is for your babies to be documented. And you may not know just how thoughtful of a gesture that is, those of us who are taking those pictures see your selflessness. Because you love those little ones more than anything else on the planet. And while your world, for so long, revolved around you, you so effortlessly gave your world to them.