This fall season has been the busiest to date. And I have loved it. Every minute of it. This time of year just brings out the happiness in people like no other time. I get to see silliness with dads and sons, heartfelt smiles between brothers and sisters, and belly laughs between moms and their little ones. But this isn’t about me. It’s about you guys. Getting your families together…getting dressed up…getting an hour to be with each other, uninterrupted by the distractions of the world. No phones, no tablets, no computers or televisions. Just parents playing with their children. And I know this time of year is all about the beloved holiday card, but when you look at that card, I want you to look back and think about that smile your child gave you as you hugged him. That laugh your little girl laughed as you tickled her tummy. Or the fact that you were able to squeeze your family a little tighter just because you could.
Sessions will be blogged starting in the new year and I cannot wait to share all of the sweet moments I witnessed from each and everyone of you. And if you didn’t get a chance to get on the fall calendar, it’s never too late to make these memories for yourself.

[…] Atlanta-Roswell-Marietta Family Photographer | What I’ve been working on…. […]