The night before the big snow day last month, Camden came home with all of this talk about how to make it snow. I’m from Alabama so thoughts of being able to make it snow is pretty much beyond my realm of mythology. But being in Atlanta, my little one is growing up around Northeast and Midwest transplants who pass down great stories on the steps you can take to make it snow. So, with eager anticipation, I listened and then we put the plan into action.
We woke up the next morning to a beautiful white snow (albeit a light dusting to the rest of the world, a wonderland in ours) covering the ground. It was magical and it meant we finally got to dust the sled off and put it to use.
The snow only lasted a few hours and our hands grew numb a whole lot faster, but the smiles I got from this kid were ones I’ll never forget. And the best part is…we were making memories as a family. Even if he doesn’t remember the finer points, I’ll have these silly pictures to share with him when he’s older.
And if you ever have the chance to help “make it snow” just follow these 3 easy steps:
1. Put ice cubes in the toilet.
2. Sleep with a spoon under your pillow.
3. Wear your pajamas inside out to go to bed.
If you follow these steps you just may just wake up to your very own winter wonderland.