The Edwards family is one of the first families who gave me my start in this business. They were kind and patient and so incredibly fun. But the best part was, that even though I was just getting my feet wet with photography, they still asked me to photograph them a second time.
A year ago, it was just the four of them. Mom and Dad and Caroline and Ryan. But this session involved a cute as a button, sweet, baby girl. Miss Avery. Caroline and Ryan were already the most adorable brother-sister combo I’d ever met, but add Avery to the mix and they have seriously gotten sweeter. They love their baby sister and it shows. After all, how could you not love that face? Or any of their sweet faces for that matter?
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This is one of the most beautiful families that you’ve photographed. You’ve managed to capture each one’s personality as well as the family mix, which is awesome. The lighting on Caroline’s face in the last photo as well as the sun filtering through the trees in the black and white are superb. I also loved the blue eyes, and shades of blue in several of the shots. What a good job!!!!!