Time has a way of running away from you. No warning. It just vanishes. And even though time seems to move differently in this not so new era, it still moves. I remember my son starting kindergarten like it was yesterday. Except it wasn’t. It was 5 years ago. And next year, when he’s starting middle school I’ll have the same thoughts about that new beginning.
I’ve known this beautiful family for years. Actually, since their younger daughter was in the same preschool nursery room as my son. Time flies when you’re living life, right? But this sweet family paused for one night to be with each other. They stopped the clocks and froze these precious moments in time. In a few years, the girls won’t be so little. They’ll be off at college starting their own lives. But they’ll always have these pictures to remember a time when they could still jump into their dad’s arms….and tuck into the arms of their parents….and still not quite come up to their mom’s shoulders.
In a way, these photos are this family’s time machine. And I’m so happy about that.