The Camden Series | #6


Dear Camden,

I can’t believe another month has gone by. Where does the time continue to go? This month has been a bit of a roller coaster for you. Between the teething and the ear infection, you had quite a few rough days, but just like always, you got past it and came out a smiling, giggling little boy. Meanwhile, we’ve overcome some obstacles of our own!  Daddy figured out that if we sing “I’ve been working on the railroad” to you while you’re getting your diaper changed, you actually relax and don’t fight us. And Mommy figured out that instead of forcing you into your car seat, if I ask you to show me how you can climb into it, you do and you think it’s fun. We’re all learning as we go, so please be patient with us. We’re kind of still new at this whole parenting thing. But you sure do seem to have this growing up thing down. Once again you surprised us when we started singing “The Wheels on the Bus” and you knew the motions! I may have cried a little out of sheer joy. You blow me away with how smart and fun and special you are. And I swear I love you more and more with each minute of the day.  There are so many things I could say about you, but the one thing that I am so proud of you for is just how loving and kind you are.  When I pick you up from school, you give your teachers hugs before you leave.  When your Auntie Jenn Jenn said goodbye to you the other night, you ran up to her, wrapped your arms around her neck and gave her a big kiss.  I’d like to think your daddy and I had something to do with this, but I truly believe that’s the person you are deep down inside.  You’re a kind and loving little boy and to me there is nothing more I could ask for.

If you’re wondering about the images I’ve included along with this month’s letter, well sweetie, that’s you doing the motions to “The Wheels on the Bus” while I’m singing to you behind my camera.

The windshield wipers go swish, swish, swish.

The doors go open and shut.

The money goes clank, clank, clank.

The baby goes wah, wah, wah

And the mommy goes shhh, shhh, shhh.

You are the most amazing little boy and we are beyond words blessed to have you in our lives.

I love you,

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Hello Friends

Welcome to Katie Oblinger Photography! 

This is where you will find happiness, candid moments, real, unabashed love, genuine people and the occasional photo of my child.  This is where you can come to enjoy the moments families share.  The moments of pure joy.  The moments I hope you'll soon create for yourself. I'm so glad you are here.  
