This year wasn’t that different from last year. When it came time for Camden to pick his Halloween costume, it was a no brainer. He was going to be Tom Petty. Not to much of a surprise as he’s been obsessed with all things Tom Petty for the better part of 2017. (Last year, he went as Chris Martin so clearly, he loves his musicians.) But this year had a twist. It had to be something that would stand out. Not just your average rockstar get up. This one was all about Tom Petty in the Don’t Come Around Here No More video. And I have to say, the kid pulled the look off perfectly. So much so that he won the neighborhood Halloween costume contest! (Which is pretty funny because we didn’t even know there was a costume contest. ;0).
This might be my favorite Halloween costume to date. Can’t wait to see what he decides on for next year!